Dear Venture Together Family:
These days, attracting, hiring, and retaining great talent is an issue facing every employer, especially as staffing shortages spread across almost every industry in the country. The significant challenges of the labor market and the DSP staffing crisis, exacerbated by the Covid-19 public health emergency, have materially impacted Venture Together’s ability to recruit and retain DSPs.
With these obstacles facing us, I am thrilled to let you know about the recent launch of Phase II of the agency’s Direct Support Professional (DSP) Recruitment and Retention Project. This project was initially conducted in 2018 and was successful in bringing DSPs to Venture.
The project team, headed up by Chief Human Resources Officer Lisa Kirrane, will be researching and innovating novel new approaches to hiring and retaining staff in this difficult climate. They’ll be visiting programs, seeking input, and conducting interviews to identify what DSPs at Venture Together value most, and how best use the data collected to reach our hiring and retention goals.
One of the project team’s first initiatives is to temporarily increase the hiring referral bonus we offer staff from $500 to $1,500. A memo went out to all VT staff, along with an employment application, encouraging them to share with friends, family, and other qualified candidates. The bonus will be awarded to the referring staff for each successful hire to join our Orientation classes in July, August, and September.
They will also seek input from the greater Venture Together community – family members, advocates, and supporters who are personally invested in the success of our agency. You can help by sharing our information with job seekers you know, or by following us on social media (see links below) and sharing our posts with your friends and followers.
Best wishes,
Matt Shelley and the Executive Team