We are thrilled to announce the winners of Venture Together’s 2024 Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the Year Awards!
2024 DSP of the Year
Junie ‘Rebecca’ JN Noel, Shift Supervisor from Tanglewood House
Employed at Venture since 2013, Rebecca has dedicated her DSP career to working at Tanglewood, one of Venture’s Residential Programs. Rebecca currently works as a Shift Supervisor.
“Rebecca’s leadership on the floor with the individuals and staff is a textbook model of how to lead the right way with integrity… her leadership skills have influenced a few good staff who want to emulate her bold leadership, courage, and her capacity to lead with integrity and honesty. Her strong leadership ability kept the individuals safe and joyful. Rebecca is a mentor to the staff and a fearless advocate for the individuals. Rebecca is one of the key leaders that helped maintain the high-quality services rendered to the individuals and her competent leadership is a source of renewal hope for the Tanglewood House.” – Emerson Theagene, Direct Support Professional, Tanglewood
Honorable Mention
Quaterrio “Q” McGill, DSP at the Stony Point Apartment
Hired in 2007, Quaterrio has dedicated his DSP career to working at the Stony Point Apartment.
“‘Q’ as we call him has a wonderful relationship with Douglas. Douglas always tells me and his family members the great times he has with ‘Q’. ‘Q’ has put in many hours with Douglas… and tries his best to keep our apartment clean and will help Douglas with his goals. ‘Q’ is a wonderful cook and Douglas loves the meals ‘Q’ prepares for him.” – Linds Williams, Stony Point Apartment

As we celebrate Rebecca and Quaterrio, we also want to extend our heartfelt thanks to every DSP at Venture Together. Your hard work, compassion, and dedication are truly inspiring. You make a profound difference in the lives of the individuals with support, and we are grateful for all that you do.