UPDATED July 19, 2021
Dear Venture Family:
Happy summer to all. I hope this memo finds each of you enjoying this time of year (despite some very wet and hot weather).
To start, I am sorry to report that a staff member at Provident House recently tested positive for COVID-19. Fortunately, this employee is recuperating well at home. But I believe this is a “wake up” call that COVID-19 is still in our community and still able to be transmitted, especially given uneven vaccination rates in the local area.
As mentioned previously, almost 100% of the individuals in our group homes have been vaccinated and approximately 55% of our direct care staff agency wide. If you have not yet been vaccinated, I urge you to consider the benefits of getting vaccinated. With variations in the virus emerging, and uncertainty coming our way during the cold weather months, I believe that now is the time to take this important step for yourself, your family and your community.
Another topic I would like to touch on is our current staffing shortage. Unfortunately, this is an issue facing not just our agency but other agencies serving those with developmental disabilities in Rockland County as well as the business and non-profit communities, at large. From my perspective, COVID-related shutdowns, extended Federal and State benefits and other related issues caused fluctuations in the workforce that have been difficult to work out and navigate. Venture is fortunate in being able to continue to staff shifts. That said, the toll of filling these shifts is falling on the shoulders of current direct care staff, supervisors and other personnel in various Venture programs. Please know that our Executive Team is keenly aware of the issue and working to develop new and/or innovative policies to address it. I am hopeful that the issue will begin to settle down in the Fall based on some policy changes to be enacted at the Federal level. Meanwhile, please continue to refer family and friends for employment at Venture, where relevant. As you may know, there is a summer ‘campaign’ underway, with an enhanced employee referral benefit, to motivate and reward such referrals. If you need more information about the summer campaign, please contact our Human Resources department.
Finally, I want to address the political issues taking place in Haiti. As underscored by the public statements of a number of local elected officials, I am saddened to learn about the recent assassination of the President of Haiti. Unfortunately, the news seems to “get worse” as the investigation continues and information is revealed about the background and motives of those involved. Please know that, on behalf of the local Haitian community, Venture acknowledges and supports all employees who feel affected by news of the assassination and continuing political unrest in Haiti. As always, please feel free to reach out to me or any member of the Executive Team if you would like to discuss this issue further.
In closing, I would like to thank you for your continuing service to Venture and the individuals in our care, especially during this time of constrained staffing. I wish each of you a happy and healthy rest of summer.
Matthew Shelley and the Executive Team
Dear Camp Venture Family,
I want to provide a brief update on the current status of COVID-19 at Camp Venture. As previously reported, nearly 100% of the individuals in our group homes have received full vaccination against the COVID-19 virus. Nearly 55% of our direct care and support staff have received at least the first dose of the vaccination (with the majority of these employees fully vaccinated). We are hopeful that this figure will move higher, in the coming months, as more employees consider the value of the COVID-19 vaccine.
As an ‘essential employer’, Camp Venture programs and Administration remained open throughout the pandemic. This is a testament to the commitment and dedication of each of our staff. I want to thank you for your role in making this happen — for supporting the vulnerable individuals in our care with your commitment, respect and ultimately, love.
Additionally, I want to report that, although Governor Cuomo has declared the State of New York ‘reopened’ (following the recent achievement of 70% of the population being vaccinated), Camp Venture’s programs are governed by the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) who, in continuing consultation with the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), has not changed any of the current mandates requiring the use of masks, social distancing, and the like in the workplace. Please be assured that, once we receive updated guidance from OPWDD, we will communicate this to all staff and implement any relevant changes to our program and Administration areas.
Finally, I want to acknowledge the Federal government’s recent declaration of June 19th as a national holiday — in recognition of the June 19, 1865 (‘Juneteenth’) end of slavery in this country. As previously mentioned, Camp Venture is committed to doing its part as an anti-racist organization in the community. This work, which recently commenced with a number of Camp Venture Board, leadership and staff participating in a two-day anti-racism training, will evolve through our upcoming work with a local, qualified consultant to develop a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. In parallel, it is important to take time to acknowledge important related events, milestones and holidays in this country. ‘Juneteenth’, is one such holiday. I encourage you to learn more about this anniversary and why the Federal government declared it a national holiday. Camp Venture’s Executive Team will look to our DEI Committee, once developed, to evaluate and make a recommendation regarding adding this holiday to our agency’s holiday calendar.
In closing, I want to wish each of you a healthy and happy summer, full of restorative and enjoyable experiences with family and friends. COVID is not over but we have certainly come a long way — together — since those early, fretful days of March 2020. Again, thank you for your commitment and being a valued part of the Camp Venture family.
Matt Shelley and the Camp Venture Executive Team
UPDATED May 17, 2021
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I want to provide an update on COVID-related items and other topics at Camp Venture.
I am happy to report that we have not had an individual in our care test positive for COVID since February. Similarly, we have not had an employee test positive for COVID since March. I am both grateful for and proud of this achievement, especially given what we collectively experienced in those early, dark days of COVID just one year earlier.
I am also happy to report that approximately 97% of the 186 individuals living in our group homes have been vaccinated against COVID. Similarly, the majority of the approximately 100 individuals attending our day programs onsite in the community have been vaccinated. Approximately 52% of our over 475 direct care staff have been vaccinated, to date. Combined with the continuing use of masks and practicing of good hygiene by all employees in the workplace, we now have several important lines of defense in place against COVID infection. You were all a major part of achieving this progress. I am deeply grateful for your continuing contributions each day at Camp Venture.
Unfortunately, we are not out of the woods just yet. The daily news cycle brings increasing reports of people who have contracted COVID, despite being vaccinated. For this reason, we each must continue to exercise vigilance in our daily activities — both professional and personal — for the sake of the individuals in our care, our families and our community. And, as you may have heard, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New York State Governor’s office recently issued guidance loosening the restriction for those who have been vaccinated to wear a mask indoors. We will evaluate these policy changes and keep you posted on any changes to be implemented at Camp Venture. In the meantime, you must continue to wear a mask while working.
I want to acknowledge that there are other important issues and opportunities for us to focus on at Camp Venture, beyond the continuing global pandemic. As the emerging warm weather continues, there will be increasing opportunities for the individuals in our care to participate in activities and events in the community. Our Administration staff is focused on implementing upgrades to our information technology, residential and day hab facilities and program offerings and opportunities. And, our Executive Team and Board are keenly aware of the continuing race and social justice issues impacting our country. As a result, we are working with a consultant and trainers in our community to become better informed and therefore better equipped to address any issues that may be present or arise at Camp Venture. Please stay tuned for important updates in this area as these various initiatives begin to take shape.
In closing, I want to wish you and your families continued good health and all the fun, connection and opportunities that these upcoming summer months can bring.
Matthew Shelley and the Executive Team
April 13, 2021
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I am happy to report that things are trending well regarding our COVID-related statistics.
- We currently have one employee (Venture Academy) recuperating at home from COVID. We wish this employee a speedy recovery.
- We do not have any individuals in our care infected at this time.
- Our vaccination numbers continue to climb.
- 96% of individuals in our group homes have received at least the first vaccination (the majority of these individuals are fully vaccinated). There are five individuals in our group homes whose families are taking more time to make this important decision on behalf of their loved ones.
- 43% of our frontline staff have received at least the first vaccination (the majority of these staff are fully vaccinated). For remaining staff, we encourage you to consider the benefit of vaccination — for yourself, your family, the individuals in our care and our community.
As our thoughts and energies turn to the warm weather, and opportunities associated with Spring, I want to take this moment to thank each of you for your exemplary service to Camp Venture. This last year has been a very difficult time and yet the spirit of family and community that permeates Camp Venture has been evident on a daily basis. I am grateful for all that you do for our agency and the loved ones in our care. I am confident that, by continuing excellent hygiene practices (wearing masks at all times, practicing effective social distance, washing hands frequently and immediately reporting signs or symptoms of potential COVID infection) and through ongoing efforts to vaccinate as many individuals and staff as possible, we can continue to keep COVID infection at bay and strengthen our connection with one another during this ‘new normal’ way of being.
As we move forward, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any member of the Executive Team with comments, questions or concerns about how things are evolving in your program area (or for you professionally or personally). Since our ability to interact in larger groups continues to be diminished during this time, we welcome hearing from you.
Thank you for all that you do – every day!
Matthew Shelley and the Executive Team
UPDATED March 17, 2021
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I want to provide an update on the status of COVID-19 infection and immunizations, and to reflect on this past year at Camp Venture.
Currently, there are no individuals in our care with active COVID infection or signs or symptoms of such infection. This is very good news.
As reported in the last memo, there are three staff (one from Administration; one from Venture Inn; one from Venture Main Street) who are out recuperating from COVID infection. Our thoughts are with them and we wish them a speedy recovery.
At present, 91% of the individuals in our group homes have received at least the first dose of the COVID vaccine. Another eight individuals are awaiting their first vaccination, which should take place shortly.
Approximately 31% of our staff have received at least the first vaccination. Each week, an increasing number of staff indicate interest in receiving the vaccine based on discussion with family, friends and trusted healthcare professionals. Although all staff may not choose to be vaccinated, we do encourage vaccination as an opportunity for each employee to protect their own health as well the health and safety of fellow colleagues and individuals in our care. Unfortunately, as we see in the local and national media, COVID remains a threat and is likely to be so, for some time.
In closing, I want to acknowledge that we have now passed a full year of actively dealing with COVID-19 at Camp Venture (and in society, at large). When I think back to those first staff memos we issued a year ago about this “novel coronavirus coming to the U.S.” or “the first two cases in Rockland County”, I realize how far we have come during this crisis. The “lows” of many individuals and staff sick — surpassed by the even lower “lows” of losing individuals and staff to the virus — is mixed in with the “highs” of witnessing and being part of an agency where staff have worked together tirelessly for over a year to protect the individuals in our care and each other. This could not have been done without you. Each of you is special and valued, whether in a direct support role, operations role, administrative role or any other role (Family or Board member, etc.) that makes up this diverse Camp Venture family.
From the bottom of my heart — and from our Executive Team and Board of Directors — I want to say “thank you”. We respect, admire and are grateful for all that you bring to Camp Venture. Although I do not anticipate Camp Venture returning to the “old normal” way of doing things soon, I very much look forward to building our “new normal”, along with each of you, one step at a time.
Matthew Shelley and the Executive Team
UPDATED March 3, 2021
Dear Camp Venture Family:
As the days get longer and the first hints of Spring are on the horizon (despite the cold weather!), I want to provide an update on the current status of COVID infection and immunization at Camp Venture.
We currently have three staff (one each from Tanglewood and Violet Engel residences; one from the Community Habilitation program) out of work recovering from COVID infection. We have one individual from Venture Academy out of program with COVID infection. As always, we wish each a speedy recovery and return to work/program.
We are making good progress on the vaccination front. Almost 90% of the 186 individuals living in our group homes have received at least the first immunization against COVID infection. Almost 2/3 of these individuals have received the second dose. Approximately 22% of the 497 eligible staff have received the COVID immunization. 80% of these individuals have received the second dose.
It is worth noting that, in recent weeks, an increasing number of staff are inquiring about and/or pursuing the vaccine. It seems that, as more time passes, staff who were initially hesitant to take the vaccine have seen positive results from family, friends and colleagues who have been immunized and have factored this into their decision making.
For informational purposes, I want to mention that it appears that the new vaccine offered by Johnson & Johnson (J&J) will be an important boost to the vaccination program in this country. One of its noteworthy features is that it will require a single dose of immunization, rather than the two immunizations required for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. I will not endeavor to weigh in on the merits of one vaccine over another, but simply wanted to bring this information to your awareness as an example of how the vaccination program and options will continue to change as new vaccines are brought online, over time.
In closing, and as always, we encourage eligible staff to take the time you need to consider and evaluate this important vaccination decision. In addition to consulting credible news sources and providers in the community, please feel free to call on Camp Venture’s Executive Team and/or Nursing staff to address any questions that you might have.
Best Regards.
Matthew Shelley, on behalf of the Executive Team
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED February 18, 2021
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I want to provide an update on the current situation regarding COVID infection and vaccinations.
We currently have three staff (Venture Center – 2; Community Habilitation – 1) and one individual (Venture Academy Day hab) who have tested positive for COVID infection. We wish each of them well as they recuperate at home.
Approximately 60% of the 186 individuals living in our residences have received at least a first dose of COVID vaccination. 2/3 of these vaccinated individuals have also received a second dose. We are working with families, individuals and staff to get as many of the remaining 78 individuals vaccinated as efficiently as possible. As you know, the vaccination process can be uneven with much of the scheduling and availability out of our control.
Regarding staff immunization, only 20% of employees eligible for the vaccination (based on role) have chosen to be vaccinated, to date. As mentioned in the last memo, please give the topic of vaccination your utmost consideration. Speak with family, peers, fellow employees and trusted medical professionals to make this important decision. Beyond providing protective health benefits to yourself and your family, your immunization can play an important role in reducing the spread of COVID infection in Camp Venture’s workplace.
In closing, I want to shift topics and acknowledge that February is traditionally known as ‘Black History Month’. Despite Camp Venture’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day ceremony, we have not historically acknowledged this important Black History Month celebration. This year, in light of the race and social justice issues that have, in recent months, come to the forefront of our collective experience, I want to acknowledge the contributions of important black and brown leaders — scientists, business people, artists, others — over time. In fact, in recent weeks, I have enjoyed reading bios and “shout-outs” to some of these lesser known figures from history who were truly pioneers in their field. I want to equally acknowledge the contributions of our Camp Venture staff — many of whom identify as black or brown — over the 50+ years of Camp Venture’s existence. And, to further this acknowledgement, I am happy to report that our Executive Team, with the support of our Board of Directors, is currently finalizing an agreement with an external consultant to assist Camp Venture to develop its first Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. Once assembled, this committee can act as an important body through which Camp Venture’s many stakeholders can work to better understand the race and social justice issues that are present in our workplace. Equally, we are enthusiastic about utilizing this committee to help us develop initiatives that promote equality, opportunity and advancement in our workplace. Stay tuned for more information on this front as we move forward with this important initiative.
Best Regards,
Matthew Shelley and the Executive Team
February 8, 2021
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I hope this letter finds everyone doing their best given, on top of other things, the recent winter weather challenges.
I am happy to report that the current rate of COVID infection at Camp Venture is low and immunizations are on the rise.
We recently had one Day Hab staff member at Venture Center test positive for COVID-19 infection. Our thoughts are with this employee during the required recuperation period at home. Of note, no individuals in our care have tested positive for COVID-19 infection since our issuance of the last employee memo.
Regarding immunization, 112 out of 186 individuals living in our group homes (approximately 60%) have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Some of these individuals have also received the second dose of the vaccine, based on the timing of the first injection. We continue to work diligently with various community providers of vaccinations (hospitals, pharmacies, etc.) to get as many individuals as possible into the vaccination process.
Unfortunately, our rate of immunization among staff remains low (under 20% of eligible staff, to date). We urge all staff to consider the merits of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine — for the benefit of yourself, your family and the individuals in our care. As you make this important decision, please consult credible sources of information, whether from reputable online health information sites, a trusted healthcare professional or anyone else who can reliably assist you to separate “fact from fiction” when determining how to proceed. And, of course, please feel free to reach out to Camp Venture’s Nursing staff or any member of our Executive Team if there are questions we can help you to answer about the COVID-19 vaccination initiative.
In closing, I want to thank you for your continuing service to Camp Venture. The last almost 12 months of working in an environment in which COVID-19 is a daily factor has been like no other time in our collective history. Just as the days are getting visibly longer and brighter, I am hopeful that, with the continuing impact of vaccination against COVID-19 infection, brighter days are ahead for Camp Venture and each member of our family.
Matthew Shelley Matthew Shelley and the Executive Team
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
January 27, 2021
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I want to take this opportunity to let you know what has been happening regarding COVID-19 and especially about vaccination in the community.
The good news is that we do not currently have any individuals in our care who are exhibiting signs, symptoms or who have a positive confirmation of COVID-19 infection.
We have four employees who have tested positive in the last week or so for COVID-19 infection (one employee in each of Hallett, Reece, Warner Houses; one employee in Administration). As always, our thoughts are with these employees and we wish them a speedy recovery as they recuperate at home.
As you may likely know from the news cycle, the New York State COVID-19 vaccination program is proceeding at a slow pace, punctuated by limited availability of vaccine and high demand for its usage. Utilizing 4-5 community resources for vaccination, 78 of 186 individuals who reside in Camp Venture’s group homes have received the first of a two-dose schedule of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Despite constrained supplies, another 22 individuals are scheduled to receive a first dose this week. Our hope is that 100 individuals (of 186 individuals in residential care) will have received the initial immunization by week’s end. From the guidance we have received, to date, these individuals are in line to receive the second dose of the vaccine at the designated follow-up time, despite limited overall availability of the vaccine.
As stated previously, we strongly encourage Camp Venture staff members who provide direct care to individuals to sign up to receive the vaccine. We are aware that it has been very challenging to schedule appointments and hopefully, this will turn around soon once Rockland County distribution sites receive additional supplies of the vaccine. Please be assured that we will forward any information received to assist you in scheduling a COVID-19 vaccine appointment.
In closing, it’s hard to believe that in March, Camp Venture will close in on a full year of dealing with the impact of COVID-19 across our various programs. Despite the losses of the last year (of which there are many), we are truly grateful for our staff and your commitment to the individuals in our care. Please stay safe, continue to wear a mask and practice good hygiene and social distancing in all of your professional and personal endeavors.
Shelley Matthew Shelley and the Executive Team
January 11, 2021
Dear Camp Venture Family:
Happy New Year! I hope each of you is staying safe and healthy as this new year gets underway. I want to provide an update on the impact of COVID-19 at Camp Venture.
We recently learned that one Community Habilitation employee has tested positive for COVID-19 infection. This DSP is out of work and recuperating at home. We also learned that two individuals at Kathy Lukens Living Center were potentially exposed at their place of employment by a fellow employee who tested positive for the COVID-19 infection. Out of an abundance of caution, these two individuals are quarantining at home in accordance with clinical guidelines. There are no other individuals or staff at Camp Venture with current COVID-19 infection. This is very good news, especially in light of the recent holidays and associated gatherings.
As you know, Camp Venture’s individuals and those staff with direct interaction with individuals are currently approved to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. As highlighted in the news cycle, the National and NY State rollout of the vaccination process has gotten off to a somewhat inefficient start. Despite this, I am happy to report that we are in discussion and negotiation with five separate immunization sites to begin immunization of individuals and eligible staff. These sites are:
- Montefiore Nyack Hospital (Nyack)
- Good Samaritan Hospital (Suffern)
- Cornerstone Family Healthcare (New City)
- Rockland County Department of Health (Pomona)
- CVS Pharmacy (Rockland County locations)
As a reminder, all employees who have direct contact with our individuals now have the opportunity to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. Additionally, our residential individuals have begun to receive the vaccine or are being scheduled based on clinical priority.
You may have questions that arise during this immunization phase of the pandemic. Accordingly, please feel free to communicate them to our Nurses or any member of Camp Venture’s Executive Team.
In closing, I thank you for your commitment and dedication to Camp Venture’s mission. As evidenced during the pandemic to date, we truly are a family, a team and a ‘village — in every sense of the word. As we move forward, please stay safe, stay healthy and please continue to be diligent in wearing masks and practicing good hygiene and social distancing, for the sake of the individuals in our care and each other.
Matthew Shelley and the Executive Team
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED December 21, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
As we round the corner on this most difficult year, we again wanted to provide you with an update on the presence of COVID-19 at Camp Venture.
In the last week:
- One individual who resides at Kathy Lukens Living Center (KLLC) tested positive
- Four staff tested positive across the following program areas: Sidney House, Murphy House, Creative Venture, Nursing. Each of these staff members is recuperating at home.
This indicates that we experienced an uptick in cases since the Thanksgiving holiday. Accordingly, we urge you to continue to exercise safety and vigilance in both your professional and personal activities—for the sake of the individuals we support, yourselves and for your families. Although we are beginning to see a “light at the end of the tunnel”, relative to the recent Federal approval of two vaccines against COVID-19, it remains a ‘long tunnel’, with many paths to navigate before we can offer the vaccine to all individuals and staff at Camp Venture.
In closing, please feel free to reach out to me or any member of the Executive Team with your thoughts, feelings or reactions to this challenging time. And, as always, thank you for all that you do to make the lives of the individuals in our care better and brighter, especially during this special time of year.
Thank you, and stay safe!
Matthew Shelley and the Executive Team
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED December 15, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I am writing to you with an update on the current impact of COVID-19 at Camp Venture.
In our last memo, we reported that:
– Four individuals who live in a NY State group home, who attend our Creative Venture day program, tested positive for COVID-19. As an update, these individuals have been out of the day program site since the Thanksgiving holiday. Since this time, one staff member at Creative Venture tested positive for COVID-19 and is recuperating at home. No other individuals at Creative Venture have displayed signs or symptoms of COVID-19.
– One individual at Warner House tested positive for COVID-19. As an update, this individual’s symptoms have resolved. No other individuals at Warner House have displayed signs or symptoms of COVID-19.
Since issuing the last memo, one individual who attends Venture Center day program has tested positive. This individual is recuperating at home. No other individuals or staff at Venture Center have displayed signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Please know that we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and ask staff to remain vigilant regarding the wearing of masks, at all times, and practicing frequent hand washing and good hygiene.
On a positive note, regarding the recent Federal approval of a COVID-19 vaccine by Pfizer (and the pending approval of a vaccine by Moderna), we were recently notified that people living in any type of OPWDD residence, as well as the staff who support them, will be included in “Phase 1A” of the New York State vaccine distribution plan. Immunization during this phase is expected to begin as early as the week of December 21st. As of now, individuals and staff in these settings will need to receive the vaccine at a designated administration site in the community. OPWDD is working with the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) to address issues related to the consent process required for individuals to be vaccinated. Please know that we will provide further details on this important vaccine distribution process as soon as they are available from OPWDD or NYSDOH.
In closing, I want to thank each of you for your diligence and continuing vigilance during this time. As you know, we continue to run a large agency during a time of rising COVID-19 cases in the community. The fact that we have been able to keep the relative case count so low during this ‘second wave’ of the pandemic is a testament to the hard work of each of you and your commitment to keeping the individuals in our care safe. Thank you for what you do for Camp Venture each and every day.
Thank you, and stay safe!
Matthew Shelley, CEO
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED December 4, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday. As we have done in recent weeks, I would like to provide an update on the current impact of COVID-19 at Camp Venture:
- Fortunately, the cases of COVID-19 among selected residents and staff at Tanglewood House have largely resolved and the house should be out of quarantine on Monday 12/7.
- We have one individual at Warner House who recently tested positive and is recuperating in the residence. No additional individuals or staff are presenting signs or symptoms of COVID-19 at this time.
- At Horan House, we have one staff who has tested positive and is recuperating at home. No other individuals or staff have presented signs or symptoms of COVID-19. The residence will remain on quarantine until Monday 12/7.
- At Creative Venture (Day Hab program), four individuals who live in a NY State-operated group home tested positive for COVID-19 just before the holiday weekend. These individuals remain in their State group home under quarantine. To date, no additional individuals or staff at Creative Venture have developed COVID-19.
We want to thank our staff for your continuing commitment to Camp Venture’s mission during this challenging time. As you can see, from the information above, and from the local and national news, this period between Thanksgiving and the New Year’s holiday is an especially important time for staff, individuals and families to commit to using personal protective equipment (PPE) and practicing effective personal hygiene to protect against the spread of COVID-19. Although information about immunization against COVID-19 is starting to enter the news cycle, it will likely be many more months before our programs can begin to benefit from such protection. In the meantime, we need to protect ourselves through the use of masks, hand washing, effective personal hygiene and other common sense forms of infection control.
Thank you (and stay safe!).
Matthew Shelley, CEO
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED November 25, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
On this Thanksgiving holiday, during a time unlike any other, it may seem hard to find things for which we can be thankful. I’d like to share with you that, at Camp Venture, we have so much for which we are grateful and thankful.
Starting with, a recent uptick in COVID cases at Camp Venture has been resolving well:
- The individual at Tanglewood who was recently hospitalized has returned home. The other residents at Tanglewood who tested positive (or were presumed positive) are symptom free. Two of the four impacted staff have returned to work.
- The asymptomatic staff member who tested positive at Venture East has returned to work. No other individuals or staff have presented with signs or symptoms of COVID.
- The individual at KLLC who felt ill last week has been symptom free since that first day. No other individuals or staff have presented with signs or symptoms of COVID.
Beyond this good news, we are grateful for the people we support in our residences, our day programs and at home in the community. They continue to share their lives, hopes, aspirations, kindness, smiles and joy with those around them. Amidst these trying times, they give purpose to and brighten our days.
We are grateful for our Staff: DSPs, Nurses, Program Directors & Supervisors, Maintenance Team and Administration. You make us proud. Your dedication, courage, and determination make us #VentureStrong.
We are grateful for our Board of Directors, families, supporters and stakeholders for their guidance, encouragement and steadfast support of Camp Venture and its Mission.
As we approach this sacred holiday, during this unprecedented time, we wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
Best regards,
Matthew Shelley and the Venture Executive Team
UPDATED November 19, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I want to provide an update on where things stand with COVID-19 infection at Camp Venture.
As previously communicated, we recently had a number of staff and individuals at Tanglewood House test positive for COVID-19 infection. We also had a staff member at Venture East test positive. Here is the current status of each group home:
Tanglewood House
– One of the staff who tested positive has returned to work. The others are resting comfortably at home.
– Five individuals living in the home have resolved their symptoms and are no longer in quarantine.
– Two individuals remain in quarantine as their symptoms improve.
– One individual was recently hospitalized and will transfer shortly to a skilled nursing facility for continuing recovery
Venture East
– The one staff member who tested positive is resting comfortably at home.
– No other individuals or staff have demonstrated signs or symptoms of COVID-19 infection.
Additionally, one individual at Kathleen Lukens Living Center (KLLC) recently presented with a fever and is being tested for COVID-19 infection. During this time, we take presentation of any symptoms of illness seriously and typically monitor and care for the individual as ‘presumed positive’ pending confirmation of a COVID-19 test. Please note that no other individuals or staff at KLLC are presenting any symptoms of illness at this time.
We wish the individuals and staff from Tanglewood, Venture East and Kathleen Lukens Living Center well and hold them in our thoughts for a speedy recovery.
As a reminder, please continue to be vigilant about wearing masks, washing hands, changing gloves and generally practicing good hygiene, in both your professional and personal lives. It is unfortunate that the much predicted “second wave” of COVID-19 infection appears to be upon us. Our collective oversight and teamwork, for the sake of the individuals we support, and each other, is what will get us through this challenging time.
Best regards,
Matthew Shelley, CEO
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED November 13, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
As promised, we would like to provide an update to staff regarding the incidence of COVID-19 at Camp Venture.
As previously communicated, we recently had a number of cases of COVID-19 among staff and residents at Tanglewood House. The current update for Tanglewood House is as follows:
– Two initial staff who tested positive have returned to work.
– Two additional staff who tested positive remain out and are recuperating at home in the community.
– Although one additional individual’s COVID-19 test came back positive this week, there are currently a total of five individuals with COVID-19 at Tanglewood, all of whom are recuperating in the group home.
Additionally, we want to let you know that a staff member at Venture East residence tested positive this week. This employee, who is not displaying any symptoms at this time, is isolating at home in the community.
Please know that our thoughts are with these staff and individuals, who are navigating the direct impact of COVID-19. For all other staff, please remember to wear your masks, wash your hands and practice exceptional hygiene during each interaction at work (and in the community). Unfortunately, by the numbers, COVID-19 is rising in our local community. We each need to do our part to keep it out of Camp Venture’s residential, day program and administrative work spaces.
Thank you (and stay healthy).
Matt Shelley, on behalf of Camp Venture’s Executive Team
UPDATED November 9, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Staff:
UPDATED November 7, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
As we continue to resume our business during this ‘new normal’ time, we want to be transparent and keep you abreast of a recent development.
One of our group homes, Tanglewood House, recently had some staff and residents confirmed with the COVID-19 infection. The staff have already recovered and have been cleared to return to work. The residents have been quarantined per existing protocols. Although most of the impacted residents have already improved, a few continue to present mild symptoms. Please be assured that Camp Venture has followed all Rockland County DOH and New York State OPWDD protocols and guidelines in addressing this situation.
Our staff continues to provide exemplary care to all residents of Tanglewood – for which I am most grateful!
Please know that this is an isolated situation. None of Camp Venture’s other residential or day program sites have experienced any recurrence of COVID-19 infection since the height of the pandemic many months ago. Further, we continue to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to all program sites, on a weekly basis, for the protection of both residents and staff.
As a reminder, please continue to provide the highest level of vigilance at home and at work by continuing to wear masks, wash your hands and change gloves between various activities. These simple but effective measures are what have been successful so far and will get us through the remainder of this crisis, however long that may be.
Please be assured that we will continue to monitor this important situation and provide updates, as available.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me or any member of Camp Venture’s Executive Team with any questions, comments or concerns.
Let’s all stay safe and vigilant as we continue to navigate these challenging times!
Best regards,
Matthew Shelley, CEO
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED October 23, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I want to share with you information regarding the Sister Helen Murphy Residence.
Camp Venture, with approval of our Board of Directors, has decided to close this residence and relocate the residents into existing residential vacancies and, reassign the staff into open staff positions within Camp Venture’s remaining programs.
This decision was difficult but necessary in order to fill existing vacancies in our residences, and as a way to achieve efficiencies by reassigning staff to unfilled positions within the agency.
We anticipate that the process of moving all individuals to their new homes and relocating staff to other programs will be accomplished by December 2020 or shortly thereafter. It is our intent to accomplish this endeavor with the least amount of disruption for our individuals and staff.
As with the recent closure of Venture West, please be assured that the staff and the residents of Sister Helen Murphy will be transitioned smoothly. There will be no loss of residents or staff as part of either the Venture West or Sister Helen Murphy closures. Further, by having these two homes remain vacant, we now have space that could be used for ‘isolation’ housing, should we need it in the event of any cases of COVID-19 in our group homes.
We recognize that change is difficult, but sometimes necessary. Rest assured that we will continue to share important information with you as always, but particularly during these unprecedented times.
Best regards,
Matthew Shelley, CEO
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED October 12, 2020
Greetings from Camp Venture’s Executive Team!
As we recently concluded September’s DSP month celebration, I want to acknowledge and thank each of you for your service and commitment to Camp Venture’s mission during these challenging times. It was a great pleasure for our team to meet with you at each of Camp Venture’s group homes and day programs during DSP month. We very much appreciate the feedback you provided about what is working (and what is not working so well) during this time. Please know that we continue to discuss your suggestions, as a team, and will provide updates on changes to our organization, as they occur. As a reminder, to continue the conversation, members of our Executive Team will hold a series of Zoom (video) calls with DSPs in the coming months. We heard back from approximately 50 DSPs following a request for email addresses of those DSPs interested in participating. We know there are more of you out there! Please consider registering for one of these calls (all we need is an email address!) to be part of this important, continuing conversation between Camp Venture’s management team and our direct care workforce.
Financially, Camp Venture is heading into choppy waters as a result of the continuing and enduring COVID-19 global pandemic. Although we were recently able to re-open our 8 day program sites, demand for services has been slow in this area (only 20% of day hab participants not living in our group homes have returned to date). Further, our residential segment continues to undergo significant financial pressure, through both the tragic loss of 11 individuals to COVID-19, as well as challenges associated with filling vacant beds during the pandemic. As a result, we have made the decision to temporarily suspend operations at Camp Venture’s Venture West home in Monsey. The residents and staff from this home have safely and successfully transitioned to Camp Venture’s other group homes across Rockland County. Against the tide of these financial burdens, I am happy to report that DSPs and support staff will receive a 2% annual salary increase retroactive to January 2020 and another 2% annual salary increase retroactive to April 2020. These salary increments were funded by the State of New York, despite the State’s projected annual operating deficit of $15 billion, due to COVID-19. As can be expected, our Executive Team continues to monitor Camp Venture’s finances on a daily basis. As mentioned previously, staff increases for positions not funded by the State of New York are dependent on our financial status at year end. Our goal, as always, is to balance the agency’s available State and Federal reimbursement for program services against the growing expenses required to continue to provide excellent service and support to the individuals in our care.
In closing, I want to remind everyone to keep health, safety and vigilance in the front of our minds regarding COVID-19. Camp Venture has been blessed to have no cases of COVID-19 infection in our group homes or day hab programs in the last several months. Unfortunately, due to the increasing incidence of COVID-19 in Rockland County (with several significant ‘hot spots’ recently declared by the Governor of the State of New York) and the forthcoming cold weather and flu season, now is the time for each of us to actively engage in the practices that have enabled us to be successful to date. This includes:
- Continuous monitoring of all staff and individuals for signs and symptoms of COVID-19
- Effective use of face masks throughout the program/work sites
- Frequent hand washing, use of hand sanitizers and sanitizing of our work and program areas
Please know that Camp Venture’s Executive Team will continue to monitor the COVID-19 crisis on a daily basis and make adjustments to our program, staffing and operations, as necessary. This will be done to best protect the health and safety of individuals and staff alike.
Please stay safe, stay healthy and know how much I and the entire Executive Team appreciate your role in Camp Venture’s ‘family’ of care providers, administrators and other support personnel — all squarely focused on best supporting the large and diverse group of individuals in our care.
Best regards,
Matthew Shelley, CEO
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED August 14, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I hope this memo finds each of you well and getting some relief from the August heat. I want to take some time to check in with everyone and provide another agency update.
I am happy to report that Camp Venture remains COVID-free. There are no individuals in our care or staff who support them who are COVID-positive. This can be attributed to the vigilance and diligence of all staff in following the necessary safety procedures currently in place. Please remember that the wearing of masks is mandatory in all Camp Venture workplaces. It is the single best precaution we can collectively take for the safety of the individuals we serve, and for each other.
As part of our commitment and adjustment to the “new normal” way of operating, I am happy to report that Camp Venture recently reopened all eight of our Day Habilitation programs. We have many precautions in place, from taking temperatures of all individuals, staff and approved visitors entering the program to enhanced program hygiene and sanitation (including vans) to social distancing throughout the programs. As many of you know, the return of individuals to program has been slow; families are taking time to navigate this path carefully for their loved ones. Nonetheless, we are happy to be open and welcome the return of our much loved Day Hab participants to program.
As you know, Hurricane Isaias impacted Rockland County on Tuesday, August 4. Unfortunately, Camp Venture suffered power outages at a number of our residential and day program sites. Through the herculean efforts of Camp Venture’s maintenance staff, we were able to assess damages, clear debris and keep residential sites up and running on generator power when needed. This was on top of the increased workload for maintenance staff who have been addressing residential vacancies, a flood situation in one of our day program sites, and enhanced sanitation throughout our reopened day programs, as well as a backlog of work from the height of the COVID crisis. Beyond reporting here that power was fully restored by O&R to all of our sites by Sunday, August 9, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Vincent Solar and his intrepid maintenance staff for continuing to operate as the backbone of Camp Venture, through thick and thin.
Finally, I want to turn to the subject of race and social justice. As we have seen, the protests following George Floyd’s death have continued across the country, despite coverage of them being lessened in the news cycle. The wake-up call for our country about race and social justice issues cannot and should not be ignored. There exists a set of complicated issues—to be identified, analyzed and understood—that have been pushed to the side for too long. Similar to how Camp Venture has been a champion for the rights of disabled individuals for over 50 years, I believe we can use our inherent compassion, listening skills and advocacy to understand how the issues around race and social justice permeate our organization and impact our staff and the individuals we serve. To this end, there are three important actions Camp Venture will undertake, namely:
- Develop a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee comprised of direct service staff, management staff and Board members
- Develop a series of ‘listening sessions’ with our staff where participants can bear witness to better understand how the issues of race and social justice have deeply impacted members of our Camp Venture family
- Redesign Camp Venture’s education benefits to enable an increasing number of employees to obtain an Associate,s, Bachelor’s or even Master’s Degree to support forward movement along our organization’s career path
As you know, the issues in our society surrounding race and social justice are longstanding, sensitive and can be difficult to change, especially quickly. Camp Venture’s Executive team is currently working with an outside facilitator to educate and inform ourselves about these issues, so that we can strive for forward movement on behalf of staff, individuals and other members of the Camp Venture family. Please stay tuned for further updates on this important and essential work over time.
In closing, I would like to thank each of you for your service and commitment to Camp Venture during this challenging time. By the end of August, our nation will have been dealing with COVID-19 for almost six months. Unfortunately, it appears that we will have many more months of this situation to navigate. Please know that employee engagement and wellness is very important and needs to remain a focus for all of us. Our Executive Team will continue to conduct check-in sessions (by Zoom) with varied groups of employees, work with our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and generally “lean in” to the issues that arise in the workplace, as they are happening. Further, please know that you can always reach out to me or any member of the Executive Team to discuss important issues on your mind.
Please stay safe, stay healthy and stay engaged during this tender time. We are all in this together. And together, we can navigate this transitional time, supporting each other for the betterment of the individuals in our care.
Matthew Shelley, Chief Executive Officer
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED July 2, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I write to you with a variety of “good news”, after taking time, since our last communication, to pause, reflect and reimagine Camp Venture amidst this time of challenge and opportunity.
I am happy to report that Camp Venture remains COVID-free. This is a testament to the excellent hygiene, the wearing of proper PPE and other practices of both staff and the individuals we serve. Thank you for your role in making this happen!
I am happy to report that Camp Venture is continuing to explore ways to connect with staff, both virtually and in-person, during this time. Following a recent series of excellent video calls with nurses, residential and day hab management and employment staff, we are working to schedule video calls with direct support professionals in our residences. This will be an opportunity to mutually check in on ‘how things are going’ and exchange information, across all participants, for the benefit of Camp Venture and the individuals we serve. We anticipate kicking off this series of video calls in mid-July. I am excited at the prospect of having members of our Executive Team be able to speak directly with the hands-on professionals that make Camp Venture the special, family-driven agency it is known to be.
I want to let you know how Camp Venture is getting involved in the conversations around race, inequality and social justice issues that have been taking place locally, nationally and even globally. As mentioned in our last update, Camp Venture is committed to equality at all levels. In fact, it’s in the very DNA of our organization, going back to our founder’s vision some 50 years ago of the inherent worth, dignity and rights of the disabled individuals we serve. I want to extend this vision to our staff, many of whom are directly impacted by the issues that are front and center in today’s larger conversation. During the last few weeks, I have been conferring with Camp Venture’s Executive Team and Board of Directors about how the agency can become involved in such conversation. In response, we have outlined three distinct activities we would like to explore, namely:
- Develop a Camp Venture Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (comprised of Board, management and front-line staff).
- Redesign Camp Venture’s education benefits policy to ensure that we are providing our best commitment to help staff achieve higher levels of education, for both professional and personal development.
- Conduct a series of learning conversations with staff regarding issues of race, inequality and social justice.
There is much work to be done to launch this initiative. We are currently speaking with professionals across Rockland County, and beyond, regarding how to best organize these activities. I look forward to reporting further progress as it is made.
In closing, I would like to wish each staff member of Camp Venture a very happy Independence Day. Given what we have collectively been through since March, we have a lot to reflect on during this “fourth of July” holiday. My hope is that each of you finds some much needed and well deserved rest and relaxation during this long weekend. Please attend to and connect with your families. Please attend to yourselves. And please know how much our Board of Directors and Executive Team values your thoughtful, caring and diligent contributions to the individuals we serve each and every day.
Matthew Shelley
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer,
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Chief Human Resources Officer,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
providing a quality integrated summer camp experience for children
UPDATED June 2, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
As we continue to communicate what is taking place at Camp Venture, I want to pause to acknowledge the serious social issues being discussed across our country as we continue to navigate the various impacts of the evolving global pandemic. These societal issues are very real and conversations may spark questions, confusion, and even fear. Please know that whatever is “heavy in your heart” today, Camp Venture is here to support you. In fact, Camp Venture was founded over 50 years ago, during a turbulent time, as a “place in the sun” — where people with disabilities could be treated equal to their able-bodied peers. Camp Venture remains such a place today. Our spirit of equality transcends disabilities to include race, gender, sexual orientation and any other differences that may set us apart yet contribute to our likeness. I believe that the diversity that exists at Camp Venture binds us together in our steadfast mission to support people with disabilities to live their best lives possible.
As a continuing update to our last letter, I am happy to report that Camp Venture remains COVID-free, with no active cases among the individuals we serve or among our staff.
I am also happy to report that members of our Executive Team have been able to hold separate video calls with our Residential management, Employment and Nursing staff. During these calls, we discussed our collective experience supporting individuals and each other during the active phase of the pandemic. We also discussed ideas for how to best support staff as we move forward. A similar call will be scheduled soon for our Day Habilitation administrative staff. As a result of these calls, I am pleased to share that, in addition to staff being able to access our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for confidential individual counseling, we will pilot a series of video chats for Camp Venture employees, which will be facilitated by an experienced EAP professional. I urge you to consider participating in one of these sessions if you feel it would be helpful to connect with other Camp Venture staff about your experiences during this time. In addition, we are updating our website to include a new tab entitled Staff Resources in which additional available employee supports will be shared. We will provide more information about this new and exciting feature shortly.
I would like to extend a ‘shout-out’ to our Day Hab staff, who have been instrumental in providing structured, fun and growth-oriented programming, across multiple Residential sites, since the pandemic started. The positive feedback we have received from staff and residents as well as the photos we have seen of the scavenger hunts and other at-home activities is inspiring and heartwarming. Please know that re-opening our regular Day Hab sites remains a top priority. We are in continuing conversation with the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), industry groups that represent our sector and other local disability services providers about this topic. Please be assured that, as the economy continues to reopen and State-wide decisions are made about the changes required to reopen day programs in a safe and secure manner, we will be in touch with you about next steps.
In closing, I want to thank each of you for keeping Camp Venture moving forward during this challenging time. Your contributions and dedication impact the lives of people with disabilities every day, whether in Residential, Day Hab, Community Habilitation or our other program, administrative or support areas. The individuals we support rely on our consistent care during good times. This support becomes all the more essential during challenging times. Please know how proud we are of our Camp Venture family who shows up tirelessly — and with love — to ensure that people with disabilities in our community receive the best support and care possible, each and every day.
Matthew Shelley
Chief Executive Officer
UPDATED May 13, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Staff:
We are pleased to share good news – the incidence of illness at Camp Venture has significantly decreased. We have one individual with COVID-19 infection recuperating comfortably at Venture Inn, and another in a nursing home (with issues not related to COVID-19). This substantial slowdown in infection and illness has given staff and residents much needed time to pause and reflect as we strive to move forward during this challenging time.
Unfortunately, since we last wrote to you, we have had another individual pass away from a COVID-19 related infection. She was a resident of Murphy House, which has lost a number of individuals to date. Our thoughts are with her family and all the residents and staff of Murphy House.
As we manage to forge ahead, I am happy to report that there are a number of initiatives taking place in which I and other members of the Executive Team will be “checking in” with various groups of staff about how things are going across Camp Venture. In recognition of “National Nurses Week”, we coordinated a Zoom video call with Camp Venture’s Nursing Team to thank them for their continued, steadfast and unwavering service. Never was it clearer than during these past eight weeks how committed and dedicated our nurses are. They go above and beyond to ensure the health, safety and comfort of the people we support. We extend our sincere gratitude to all Camp Venture Nurses during National Nurses Week and every week.
We have also scheduled a series of Zoom video calls with groups of Residential management staff (i.e., Site Supervisors, Team Leaders, Residential Directors) to find out how we can best support them, and to gather information on how to continue supporting our incredible direct service staff. Similarly, it is our plan to schedule such calls with staff from each of our programs over the next several weeks. I am excited to participate in these calls as they enable me to again “meet” with groups of employees, albeit in video format.
These calls and outreach efforts are part of a continuing initiative that Camp Venture is undertaking to engage our staff in development of the “new normal” way of working with one another and the people we support. In addition, the Executive Team and Board are looking at ways to carefully, sensibly and in compliance with County, State and Federal guidance, continue our re-opening efforts and resume planned initiatives.
In closing, we want to once again thank each and every one of you for your service and commitment to Camp Venture. We know that our DSPs are thanked continually (and deservedly so), and our Nurses are in the spotlight (as they should be), but we want to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE who works at Camp Venture for your dedication, selflessness and heroism. You embody the meaning of “Venture Strong”.
Matthew Shelley
Chief Executive Officer
UPDATED April 28, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Staff:
Since I last wrote to you, we have lost another individual in our care to the virus – a lovely gentleman from Sister Helen Murphy House, who was recovering from an unrelated health issue in a nursing home. Our thoughts are with his family, his friends at Sr. Helen Murphy and the staff who cared for and about him.
Although we have had a number of individuals in our care get better, we believe that the pandemic in Rockland County continues and will continue to impact us all, albeit at a slower rate. In response, we continue to 1) collaborate with other local and Statewide organizations on our approach to managing the crisis, 2) ensure adequate staffing levels by residence and, 3) monitor and order personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure that we have adequate supply to cover Camp Venture’s needs.
At times, this crisis has felt like a somewhat exhausting exercise in reinventing our agency, and ourselves, in the process. From the beginning, I have been (and remain) in awe of how staff at all levels, from Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) to members of our Executive Team, and Board, have risen to the challenge. Thank you all for your hard work, enduring day in and out, to help us collectively navigate this process. I am aware, from various sources that many of us have family members who are or have been sick with the virus. A number of staff have lost a family member (I recently lost a favorite uncle, who was living in an assisted living facility in NJ). The virus takes a toll physically but also emotionally for all of us who are carrying on day to day, trying to keep things “normal” as we adjust to the “new normal” in our lives. In response, I would like to determine how to best support staff emotionally during this time. I am looking at ways for staff to share their thoughts, concerns and also strength with one another. Video calls with selected groups of staff may be an option. Please be on the lookout for some suggestions soon.
At a time when we could all likely use someone to speak to, I also want to remind you that Camp Venture offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which is a free confidential source of emotional support for our staff. Employees can call or video call with experienced professionals to share their personal experiences during this crisis. These professionals also have the ability to set up a video meeting for a few employees who want to talk as a group. Camp Venture’s direct contact (Sarah Goforth, Executive Director, VCS, Inc.) encourages Camp Venture employees to reach out, and has provided her personal cell phone number (503-516-1629) so she does not miss a call.
Similarly, for our individuals, we have an excellent psychological services team, led by Dr. Johnny Cabrera. Dr. Cabrera’s team continues to work with individuals and the staff who support them during this time, to discuss coping strategies and emotional health and wellness practices that can help to create some calm amidst the storm. If you are interested in learning more about this work for the individuals in your care, please feel free to contact Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer or Dr. Cabrera directly at (845) 507-4073.
In closing, please know that the Executive Team and I will continue to do our part to manage the important precautions in place and help us band together to support one another during the challenges that lie ahead. As always, please continue to reach out to me or any member of the Executive Team with your thoughts, concerns and ideas.
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer
(845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer,
(845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer,
(845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer,
(845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Director of Human Resources,
(845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
Matthew Shelley
Chief Executive Officer
UPDATE April 21, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
As you know from individual email notifications sent by Administration, we recently lost two more residents to complications of COVID-19 infection. One individual was from Rodgers House. The other individual was a long time resident of Tanglewood, who recently resided at Sister Helen Murphy House. Both individuals were beloved by staff and residents alike and will be greatly missed. At this point, Camp Venture has lost nine of our individuals and one staff member to complications of COVID-19 infection. As I have indicated, when speaking to the Site Supervisors/Residence Directors at the residences in which these individuals lived or worked, there will certainly be a need for — and ample time provided — to memorialize and grieve the loss of each person when we get to a clearing where we can once again assemble, in person, as a Camp Venture family.
Regarding current illness among our residents, I am happy to report that we increasingly have entire houses on the mend, and staff are continuing to return to work. Currently, we have just a handful of homes with individuals reporting any symptoms of COVID-19 infection. We are making steady progress in the area of personal protective equipment (PPE) and, in fact, are ordering such supplies ahead of our current needs. Beyond the incredible commitment, devotion and hard work of all staff during this time — to which I once again say THANK YOU! — I am also proud of our Venture Foundation, which has worked tirelessly with our Board, families and other donors across the community to set up delivery of meals to our group homes. Please know that, because of the extra effort required to wear PPE during a shift, caring for individuals who are ill, providing deep cleaning during and between shifts, we feel that providing a little comfort in our homes, by way of well-timed food deliveries, is the least we can do to acknowledge this incredible effort. It is my hope that we can keep up this initiative for the duration of this crisis.
At this point, we know that Governor Cuomo’s stay-at-home order for New York State extends until at least May 15th. If the positive trend we are experiencing at Camp Venture continues, we may soon be able to think about the future and what it holds for Camp Venture and the individuals we serve, across a variety of programs, on a daily basis.
Should you have any questions, comments or concerns to share about this update, please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of the Executive Team, as follows:
Matthew Shelley, CEO (845) 624-5401 / mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, CFO/CAO (845) 507-4070 / csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer (845) 624-5324 / marier@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Director of Human Resources (845) 624-3864 / lkirrane@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer (845) 624-5407 / alice.kayser@campventure.org
I will send another update in about a week’s time, or sooner, if there is important information to share with you. Until then, please stay safe and connected to family, friends and all that is important to you during these challenging times.
Matthew Shelley
Chief Executive Officer
Special Message from the Camp Venture Board of Directors
Dear Venture Staff Members:
On behalf of the Camp Venture Board of Directors, we simply want to say “thank you” to each and every one of you for all you are doing during this very difficult and trying time. We recognize that you are doing your part to combat the virus.
This unprecedented epidemic continues to test the character and substance of each of us. But you are up to the challenge because we know you believe in what you do. Your response has been both extraordinary and heartwarming.
Each day, in conversations with your Executive Leadership Team, we see evidence of staff working together to care for the members of the Venture family entrusted to your care. Each of you has pitched in to keep Venture functioning during this extended emergency.
We do not know how long this pandemic will go on, but is is indeed a comfort to Venture families that you are on the front lines caring for their loved ones.
We want you to know that your heroic efforts have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated by the Board of Directors. Thank you for everything you do every day.
Be safe and stay strong!
Dario Mazurek, Chairman
Janet Wheeler, Vice-Chair
UPDATED April 13, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
This last week was a particularly rough one for our organization. We lost seven individuals in our care to complications of COVID-19 infection. They lived in our Murphy House, Venture Inn, Sister Helen Murphy House, Reese Family Residence, Thomas House and Hallett House group homes. I have spoken with the Site Supervisors or other onsite leadership of these sites who expressed that these individuals were so loved and will be missed. Our admirable staff provided exemplary care and support throughout their lives and to the end.
I am also sad to report that a beloved staff member, Joe Arlotta, Assistant Director of Tanglewood House, passed away during the weekend. For those who knew Joe, he was a fierce cancer survivor and a friend to many across the organization. Joe will be sorely missed.
Please know that this last week brought some uplifting news, too. Many individuals who were sick improved and their symptoms resolved. Houses with multiple sick individuals reached the “all clear” on illness. Many families from the community made arrangements to deliver meals to our group homes.
We understand that these are uncertain and often overwhelming times. Not only is our physical health being challenged but so too is our mental and emotional health. It is important that we take care of ourselves and look out for, and unite with, one another as we share in these unnerving times.
We will get through this Venture strong.
In closing, please remember that there are moments of kindness, beauty and hope available throughout each of these days. Look out for them. Savor them. As we enter the season of Spring, I’m hopeful that we will get to a point where the good days outnumber the bad.
Please know, too, how much the Executive Team and I value the commitment of each of you on the frontlines, our nurses, managers, direct support professionals and the administrative staff and others. Camp Venture could not do what we do without you, each and every day, and for that we are grateful.
You are our essential staff!
Matthew Shelley
Chief Executive Officer
UPDATED April 6, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
We hope this email finds you and those dear to you staying well during this most difficult time. As mentioned and promised in our previous emails, we stay committed to providing you with important updates as we receive them.
It is with great sadness that I report that two of our individuals have passed away recently from complications due to COVID-19. One was a resident of Murphy House. The other was a resident of Sister Helen Murphy House. Both were beloved by consumers and staff alike.
This news is very upsetting for all of us and we grieve as a family for our loss. Now, more than ever, let us keep the residents, staff and families of these two Camp Venture group homes in our thoughts.
Please know, too, that all Venture staff and residents remain in our thoughts during this time. The crisis we are experiencing may feel enduring but there will be a time when things start to get better. In fact, as reported last week, Camp Venture currently has houses that had multiple COVID-19 cases that are now fully “symptom-free”. Some of the first Camp Venture staff to experience COVID-19 infection are starting to return to work. My every hope is that by working together safely, for the betterment of the individuals we support, we can navigate the waves of this crisis and come out strong on the other side.
As always, please remember that you can reach out to me or any member of Camp Venture’s Executive Team with questions or comments about what is taking place during this time. Our contact information is:
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer, (845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer, (845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer, (845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer, (845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Director of Human Resources, (845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
Please also remember that Camp Venture has an excellent Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by Volunteer Counseling Services (VCS) in New City. VCS provides free and confidential support to all employees of Camp Venture and is available by phone and/or video. Camp Venture’s contact, Sarah Goforth, can be reached at (845) 842-9121.
Matthew Shelley
Chief Executive Officer
UPDATED April 1, 2020
Dear Venture Family,
As the COVID-19 crisis continues, I want to send this update and clarify a couple of issues taking place during this unprecedented time.
First, I want to say ‘thank you’. Thank you to all staff during this time. There are many of you working on the frontline, caring for individuals in our care who are sick. There are many of you working behind the scenes, ensuring that food and supplies are ordered, personnel matters are addressed, IT, payroll and financial transactions continue as normal, and generally supporting other staff who support the individuals in our group homes. This type of crisis has never been encountered in our lifetime. Unfortunately, it is not clear when it will end. The tireless service of all Camp Venture staff, each and every day, is so highly valued by Camp Venture’s Executive Team, our Board of Directors and the many families who call Camp Venture “home” for their loved ones. Thank you!
Second, I want to inform you that, as expected, we continue to have active COVID-19 infection occurring in our group homes. It is not occurring everywhere at once. The pattern seems to be that it shows up in a certain home, may spread to other residents in that home and, within a few days, it can resolve. In fact, the first several Camp Venture houses that experienced COVID-19 are now symptom-free. Residents and staff are starting to get back to a ‘new normal’ way of operating in these homes. Further, although, at any one time, we may have a couple of individuals requiring hospitalization, we have equally had several individuals come back from the hospital, to date. We are hopeful and doing everything we can to support this trend continuing for other homes with individuals who are sick.
Finally, to staff who are sick, I want to extend my thoughts to you. We are living in a changed world where COVID-19 cases are increasing around us. Although we do our very best to limit direct care staff to specific homes (rather than having staff work across our residential segment), it is a sad fact that some of our staff — both direct care and supervisory/management — are sick with the COVID-19 infection. Please know that our hearts go out to you and your families during this difficult time. As always, during this difficult time, please continue to communicate with Camp Venture’s Human Resources department about the status of your health, other needs and any way in which we can assist you during this time. One piece of ‘good news’ on this front is that, as time goes on, we are now seeing COVID-19 resolve in impacted staff, who report that they are feeling better and stronger with each day. And, of course, if you do not feel well, please take care of your health and do not report to work until safe to do so.
In closing, I want to again say “thank you” to the intrepid staff who work at Camp Venture. During good times and bad, Camp Venture is a family. We hang together — strong! — for the betterment of the individuals we serve and ourselves in the process.
Be safe and stay well.
Matthew Shelley
Chief Executive Office
UPDATED March 26, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
As you are aware, we are living in unprecedented times, navigating this continuing COVID-19 crisis. When I last wrote to you, we had one active infection in our group homes. We have since had three more confirmed cases. All are showing signs of improvement and feeling better. In an effort to keep you informed, I am sharing that we currently have six individuals in our residences who have exhibited a variety of symptoms. They are quarantined in their residences and receiving treatment as if they have tested positive. We are taking this precaution because COVID-19 tests are not readily available and some of our individuals do not qualify for the test because they do not exhibit enough symptoms.
I also want to share the following information to keep you informed:
First, despite the severe shortage in supplies, we were able to secure a sizable order of masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment to make sure that staff has the available protective resources necessary.
Second, we recently sent staff a memo confirming that if they enrolled in Camp Venture’s CIGNA Health Benefits, and have exhausted available accrued time, they will be protected from having to apply for COBRA, which would require them to pick up 100% of the health benefits cost.
In closing, I want to thank everyone who is part of the Camp Venture family for your efforts to ensure that the individuals we support continue to receive the best possible care during this time. Please know that your tireless daily actions, whether as staff, family or board member, makes a big difference in their lives.
We are keenly aware of the personal impact of this virus and that many questions remain unanswered. We share your concerns and understand your unease. We will continue to support you, share information and be available to discuss as best we can any questions, comments or concerns you may have.
As always, you can contact me or any member of Camp Venture’s Executive Team by phone or email.
Matthew B. Shelley
Chief Executive Officer
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer, (845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer, (845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer, (845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer, (845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Director of Human Resources, (845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED 3/20/20
Dear Camp Venture Family:
I wanted to let you know that we were notified that one individual in our Hillcrest residence has tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This individual is in good spirits and resting comfortably as we work with the Rockland County Department of Health to notify various points of contact about potential exposure.
Please be assured that adequate staffing is in place in the group home. Staff at the residence have been provided with appropriate “personal protective equipment” (PPE) to provide continuing clinical and supportive care to this individual and the other residents in the home.
I know this news may be upsetting for some. Please know that Camp Venture’s Executive Team and our dedicated staff continue to monitor and manage the many issues associated with COVID-19, each day of the week, in an attempt to ensure the health and safety of the individuals we serve and the staff who lovingly support them.
NOTE that the residential services provided by Camp Venture are essential and as a result, our residences will and must remain open.
As we attempt to maintain our daily lives amidst this unfolding crisis, please know that you can always reach out to me or any member of the Executive Team (listed below) with any questions, comments or concerns. Additionally, I want to remind staff that Camp Venture has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that can be contacted at 845-634-5729. The EAP is a free resource, available to all employees, that provides confidential short-term counseling for a variety of professional and personal issues.
In closing, I want to thank you for your consideration of the important issues discussed in this memo. As always, we will continue to keep you informed during this ever-changing, unprecedented time. I am confident that together, we can navigate the uncertainties that are ahead of us, one day at a time.
Matthew B. Shelley
Chief Executive Officer
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer, (845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer, (845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer, (845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer, (845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Director of Human Resources, (845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
UPDATED March 18, 2020
Several questions have emerged regarding visits in our residential programs. Please be aware that due to the increasing intensity of the COVID-19 crisis, visits to our residential programs are now limited to essential Camp Venture Staff and Medical Personnel only. In addition, as noted in my previous communication, during this serious pandemic we are requesting that families DO NOT bring their loved ones home to visit unless they are willing to retain them in your home for the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak.
These are difficult decisions in unprecedented times. These conclusions were based on the continued COVID-19 crisis, data and protocols presented by OPWDD, the NYS Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control and our efforts to reduce exposure for our individuals to the general public.
Should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of Camp Venture’s Executive Team. Please know that we will continue our efforts to ensure the health and safety of the people that we support and our staff.
Stay well,
Matthew B. Shelley
Chief Executive Officer
March 16, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
As the COVID-19 crisis continues, I want to provide you with an important update:
- Camp Venture, along with the other large disability services providers in Rockland County (ARC, Jawonio), will be closing day programs for a “to be determined” amount of time. Camp Venture’s day hab staff will be asked to assist Camp Venture’s residential staff to provide 24-hour care to the 200 individuals who reside in our 25 group homes throughout the county. More information about this important change will be issued in the coming days. For now, individuals in day hab will cease participation in our programs effective as of the close of business today, 3/16/2020. Day hab staff should report to work tomorrow, 3/17/2020 to assist with development of a plan to support our residential segment during the coming weeks.
2. Visits in our residential segment will be limited to “essential visits only” by family and healthcare providers. This restriction is being put into place to reduce potential exposure of our individuals to the general public. Additionally, Camp Venture will request that families not bring their loved ones home to visit unless they are willing to retain them in their homes for the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak. This will also reduce cross-contamination opportunities between our individuals, their families and other people living in the community.
3. Camp Venture is working to evaluate telecommuting options for employees who may be able to work offsite.
4. Camp Venture is working to ensure the adequacy of our agency’s supplies. Residential and other staff continue to shop in bulk where possible, and to store the food, cleaning supplies and medical supplies required for the 24-hour per day care of the 200 individuals in our group homes.
5. Camp Venture’s Board of Directors will continue its regular meeting schedule, using video/teleconferencing technology instead of face-to-face meetings.
Please know that the health and safety of the individuals we serve, and our staff, are our priority during this time. We will continue to provide important updates to you as we receive new information, and make important decisions regarding Camp Venture’s current and future operations, etc.
And, of course, should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any member of Camp Venture’s Executive Team. I am confident that we can continue to work together to provide excellent care and support to the individuals who call Camp Venture their home, and to the staff who support them.
Thank you.
Matthew B. Shelley
March 9, 2020
Dear Camp Venture Family:
As you know, there are currently four diagnosed cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Rockland County. While not the epicenter that is occurring in Westchester County, it is possible that the number of cases in Rockland County could expand rapidly, affecting Camp Venture by impacting our staff and/or the individuals we serve.
In anticipation of this potential impact, Camp Venture’s Executive Team continues to:
- Monitor the daily news cycle at the national and local levels for changes to the current situation.
- Apply extra cleaning and sanitizing measures in our Residential, Day Habilitation and other program sites.
- Limit exposure for vulnerable individuals by eliminating non-essential outings in the community; we will also post signage at program sites to reduce non-essential visits by outsiders.
- Identify and discuss strategies to eliminate exposure to staff and individuals who may test positive (or may have been exposed to someone in the community who tests positive).
- Ensure and/or explore sources for adequate supplies to meet the cleaning, meal preparation and health/medication needs of the individuals we serve.
As you know, this is an evolving situation. We will continue to provide updates to Camp Venture’s stakeholders as the situation changes. In the meantime, we ask all staff to continue to maintain vigilance over their personal hygiene and that of the individuals who we support on a daily basis.
We understand that you may have concerns about this challenging situation and/or how our employment and program processes may be affected by it going forward. In light of Camp Venture’s “open door policy”, please do not hesitate to report your concerns – however minor – to any member of Camp Venture’s Executive Team, as follows:
Matt Shelley, Chief Executive Officer, (845) 624-5401, mshelley@campventure.org
Celia Solomita, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer, (845) 507-4070, csolomita@campventure.org
Marie Pardi, Chief Program Officer, (845) 624-5324, marier@campventure.org
Alice Kayser, Chief Compliance Officer, (845) 624-5407, alice.kayser@campventure.org
Lisa Kirrane, Director of Human Resources, (845) 624-3864, lkirrane@campventure.org
Thank you for your attention to this important issue. Together, we will get through this challenging situation one day at a time.
Matthew Shelley
Chief Executive Officer